Jangada Dinâmica

The project Jangada Dinâmica aims to boost the areas of dynamical systems and ergodic theory in the Northeast of Brazil, thus helping to strengthen basic science in a region that historically has lower percentage of development in the country.

With an expected duration of five years, the project make UFC as a hub between national and international researchers, via the following activities:

  • host four summer schools of advanced studies;
  • host three workshops;
  • host the VI and VII Brazilian Schools of Dynamical Systems;
  • hire postdoctoral fellow (each of them is asked to visit another institution in the Northeast for two months every year).
The project is sponsored by Instituto Serrapilheira:

Postdoctoral Fellows

Marco Antonio Lopez

Marco Antonio Lopez obtained his PhD at The University of North Texas in 2018, under the supervision of Mariusz Urbanski, and later was a teacher scholar at Wake Forest University. His research focuses on problems about shrinking target sets. 

Lopez worked at UFC from September 2021 until December 2022.

Luis Pedro Piñeyrúa

Luis Pedro Piñeyrúa is a Uruguayan mathematician. He obtained his PhD at Universidad de la República in 2022 under the supervision of Rafael Potrie and Martín Sambarino. His main interests are dynamical systems and ergodic theory, more precisely partially hyperbolic systems. He has been working on robust transitivity, dynamical coherence and accessibility.   

Piñeyrúa arrived at UFC in September 2022.

Aline Melo

Aline Melo obtained her PhD at Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro in 2023, under the supervision of Silvius Klein. Her research focuses on continuity of Lyapunov exponents.

Aline arrived at UFC in March 2023.

Juan Carlos Mongez Duran

Juan Carlos Mongez Duran is a Venezuelan Mathematician, with PhD obtained at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in 2024 under the supervision of Jiagang Yang and Maria Jose Pacifico. His research focuses on uniqueness of equilibrium states for partially hyperbolic systems.

Juan Carlos arrived at UFC in May 2024.


Brazilian Schools of Dynamical Systems

The 6th Brazilian School of Dynamical Systems occurred between 25-29 October, 2021, and was held in an online format. The information about minicourses and talks can be found in its official website.

The 7th Brazilian School of Dynamical Systems occurred between 23-27 October, 2023 at UFC, Fortaleza. We had around 120 participants from all over Brazil and speakers from all over the globe. The information about minicourses and talks can be found in its official website.


The 2nd Jangada Dinâmica occurred between 31st October and 4th November, 2022, at UFC, Fortaeza. We had 17 talks of researchers covering different areas of dynamical systems and ergodic theory, see the official website.

The Workshop 2+3 in Dynamics (Joint 2o Workshop Nordestino de Sistemas Dinâmicos and 3rd Jangada Dinâmica) will be held from 16-20 September, 2024, at Aquiraz, Ceará. We expect to have 17 talks of researchers covering different areas of dynamical systems and ergodic theory, see the official website.

Schools of Advanced Studies

The 1st School of Advanced Studies occurred 3-14 January, 2024, at UFC, Fortaeza. We had two 8 hour minicourses and the participation of 35 people, among graduate students and professors. See the official website.

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